Eye Care

Your vision is important, no matter your age. However, as people get older, the natural aging process can cause changes to your vision and affect your eye health.

For this reason, caring for your eyes becomes even more essential the older you get. Keep reading to learn seven tips that can help you care for your eyes as you age!

Why Eye Health Matters As You Age

Once you get into your forties, you may notice a slight decrease in your vision. At this point, you’re more likely to have vision problems and an increased risk of issues like glaucoma and dry eye.

Then, when you reach the age of sixty, the risk of eye disease and decreased vision increases further. You’ll have a higher risk of problems like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. 

While you can’t prevent all eye problems, as some are genetic or can be even due to injury, there are steps you can take to care for your eyes as you age. Also, being aware of your vision health is important, as catching and diagnosing some eye problems early on is the best way to get treatment. 

7 Simple Ways To Focus On Your Eye Health

Caring for your eyes throughout your lifetime can reduce the risk of certain eye diseases. So, even if you’re still in early adulthood, it’s a good idea to learn and follow these eye health tips.

And, for adults older than forty, these tips are even more important to implement, as your risk of eye issues is higher. 

Avoid Digital Eye Strain

While phones, laptops, and more are essential for communication, work, and more, these screens can strain your eyes. If you need to spend long periods looking at a screen, make sure to take breaks. 

Try to take a 20-second break every 20 minutes while looking 20 feet into the distance. This is called the 20-20-20 rule and reduces digital eye strain.

You should also always take a fifteen-minute break every two hours of consecutive screen time. 

Use Eye Drops

As you age, you’re more likely to have dry eye symptoms. Eye drops can keep your eyes hydrated and prevent uncomfortable symptoms like itching. 

There are many affordable options for hydrating eye drops at drugstores and pharmacies, but it’s always a good idea to talk to your eye doctor before using any product. 

Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses allow you to express your personality, but more importantly, they protect your eyes from the sun. You’ll want to find sunglasses that provide adequate UV protection, so be sure to check the specifics of a pair before you purchase.

You can also ask your eye doctor for recommendations. 

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is damaging to your eye health and the rest of your body. Smoking can increase your risk of many eye issues, including cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.

So, one of the best things you can do for your eyes is to never smoke or stop smoking. If you currently smoke, taking steps to quit can improve your eye health and is better for your body.

Your healthcare provider can help you with this process. 

Eat A Healthy Diet

According to the American Optometric Association, nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc can reduce the risk of some eye diseases, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. If you want a healthier diet that’s good for your eyes, eat more leafy greens, fruits, nuts, and beans.

Overall, eating a balanced diet is good for your body and your vision. A healthy diet can also lessen your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a disease that often causes eye problems. 

Make Sure To Blink 

It might sound simple, and it is. But it’s also effective.

Blinking can help moisturize your eyes and prevent dry eye symptoms. So, if you find your eyes are straining or feeling dry, try to blink more often. 

If the problem persists, schedule an eye exam at Hayden Vision. 

Frequent Eye Exams

Even if you consciously care for your eyes through your lifestyle and daily habits, seeing your eye doctor for comprehensive eye exams regularly is still critical. Most adults should see the eye doctor at least every two years, but most people benefit from once-yearly exams, especially if you have vision or health problems or are older than sixty-five. 

Need An Eye Exam? Call Today! 

Regular eye exams are crucial for everyone, but they are particularly important as you get older or have an increased risk of eye issues.

So, if you’re noticing issues with your eyes or haven’t been to an eye doctor in over a year, you shouldn’t wait to make an appointment. 

Hayden Vision provides routine eye exams in a comfortable environment. After your exam, our eye care team will discuss the next steps with you, whether you need vision aids or further eye treatments. 

Is it time for you to have an eye exam? Schedule an appointment at Hayden Vision in Evansville, IN, today!